Catocala relicta
Catocala relicta
kah-TOCK-uh-lah mm
Walker, [1858]

Catocala relicta, Lancaster (Coos County), New Hampshire,
August 18, 2007, courtesy of Ron White.

Catocala relicta, Lancaster (Coos County), New Hampshire,
August 18, 2007, courtesy of Ron White.

Catocala relicta, Whitefield (Coos County), New Hampshire,
September 2, 2007, courtesy of Ron White.

Catocala relicta, Bethlehem (Grafton County), New Hampshire,
September 6, 2007, courtesy of Ron White.

Catocala relicta (clara), Jefferson (Coos County), New Hampshire,
September 10, 2007, courtesy of Ron White.
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