Ron White
Catocala parta, Lancaster (Coos County), New Hampshire,
August 27, 2007, courtesy of
Ron White.
Ron White of Lancaster, New Hampshire (Coos County), has an abiding
interest in lepidoptera and nature. He has begun (August 2007) to
send me beautiful images of Catocala and butterflies from his
With some background education in forestry, Ron will also be sending
images of trees/shrubs/vines and wildflowers from New Hampshire.
Tree identification is useful for many reasons, but chief amongst
them for lepidopterists would be the recognition of larval host plants.
Knowledge of local wildflowers is also useful for those who wish to
entice butterflies to their areas via some plantings of butterfly
nectar favourites. Ron's butterfly images will be gracing
Caterpillars Too!, a private North American butterfly website.

Limenitis archippus nectaring on Joe-pye weed, Lancaster, New Hampshire,
August 24, 2007, courtesy of Ron White.
New Hampshire Catocala to see Ron's Catocala images.

Fagus grandifolia, Beech, Lancaster, New Hamsphire, courtesy of Ron White
Visit Hostplants and Wildflowers
to see Ron's hostplants and wildflower index.
Catocala larvae are extremely well camouflaged. Many people have
learned to collect larvae by spreading old, large white sheets below
the host plant and then giving the tree or shrub a smart whack with
a shovel or baseball bat. The lively larvae fall to the sheets below and
can be easy picking. Look for mature, caterpillars about a month before the
adult moths begin to appear at bait or lights in your area.