Sphinginae subfamily
Sphingini tribe:
Sphinx luscitiosa
the Canadian Sphinx or
Clemen's Sphinx. In both sexes, the dark border on the outer margin
widens as it approaches the inner margin. The upperside of the
hindwing is deep yellow in males,
pale yellow in females; both with a wide black border.
maybe ??
Sphinx canadensis
Sphinx canadensis, the Canadian Sphinx, is not common, and is not
often reported anywhere,
but it might be present in Northwest Territories.
Larval hosts are white ash (Fraxinus americana) and blueberry
(Vaccinium). maybe ??
Sphinx poecila
DT, the Poecila Sphinx.
The forewing is dark gray with diffuse black and gray wavy lines with
a series of black dashes ending at the wing tip, and a white cell
spot. The white cell spot readily distinguishes poecila from
Smerinthini Tribe:
Smerinthus cerisyi
the Cerisyi's Sphinx
Smerinthus cerisyi is found in the southern regions of all Canadian
provinces and in northern border states. The one-eyed sphinx is also
found along the U.S. west coast, eastward to the Rockies. At my home
in Montague, P.E.I., Canada, they are quite common.
Macroglossinae subfamily
Dilophonotini tribe:
Hemaris thysbe
DT, the Hummingbird Clearwing
It is not difficult to see why many gardeners would mistake an
Hemaris thysbe moth for a small hummingbird as it hovers,
sipping nectar from flowers through a long feeding tube.
Macroglossini tribe:
Hyles gallii
DT, the Bedstraw Hawk Moth
or Gallium Sphinx
This species is reported in Northwest Teritories.
Some years I see them on P.E.I., some years, I do not.
This day flier is officially reported from Northwest Territories, but
it may not be common. Look for them in meadows near coniferous