I have used the nomenclature from Kitching and Cadiou 2000. I do not have reference material listing the species found in Guyana, but I do have reliable sources for the Sphingidae found in Venezuela and French Guiana. I have made interpolations, and include below those species found in both Venezuela and French Guiana. Thus I have probably omitted some species endemic to Guyana, and there may be some species found in both Venezuela and French Guiana that are not found in Guyana, although that is unlikely. In some cases I have included a ? after the listing because I think the species is probably present although not listed in both Venezuela and French Guiana. I will revise the checklist over time as new data becomes available.
Hemeroplanes triptolemus, Karanambu, Guyana,
November, courtesy of Polly Rothstein via Robert Behrstock, id by Bill Oehlke.
If you have corrections to offer, please contact
Bill Oehlke at
Visit French Guiana Thumbnail Checklists:
Sphingini: Manduca
Sphingini: Agrius, Amphimoea, Cocytius, Amphonyx, Morcocytius, Pseudococytius
Smerinthini: Adhemarius and Protambulyx
Dilophonotini: Aleuron, Enyo, Pachygonidia and Unzela
Dilophonotini: Aellopos, Eupyrrhoglossum, Nyceryx and Perigonia
Dilophonotini: Callionima, Erinnyis, Hemeroplanes, Isognathus, Madoryx, Oryba, Pachylia, Pachylioides, Phryxus
and Pseudosphinx
Philampelini: Eumorpha
Macroglossini: Hyles and Xylophanes
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Please send sightings/images to Bill. I will do my best to respond to requests for identification help.