Updated as per CATE; April 7, 2011
Updated as per personal communication with Hubert Mayer, La Suiza, Oxapampa, Peru, June 2050m; August 9, 2011
Updated as per personal communication with Jose Ramon Alvarez Corral (El Valle, Merida, Venezuela, 2030m); August 2, 2012

Euryglottis aper
(Walker, 1856) Macrosila

Euryglottis aper male, 120mm, El Valle, Merida, Merida State, Venezuela,
May 6, 1992, 2030m, courtesy of Jose Ramon Alvarez Corral.

Euryglottis aper male, 120mm, El Valle, Merida, Merida State, Venezuela,
May 6, 1992, 2030m, courtesy of Jose Ramon Alvarez Corral.

This site has been created by Bill Oehlke.
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.


Family: Sphingidae, Latreille, 1802
Subfamily: Sphinginae, Latreille, [1802]
Tribe: Sphingini, Latreille, 1802
Genus: Euryglottis Boisduval, [1875] ...........
Species: aper (Walker, 1856)


Euryglottis aper (wingspan: males: 108-127mm; females: 131mm) flies in
Colombia, specimen type locality; Bogota. Specimens also come from
Ecuador: Pichincha (LG); Zamora-Chinchipe (CATE); Napo (CATE);
Peru: Pasco: Oxapampa (HM); CATE;
Venezuela: Meria: El Valle; and
Bolivia: Chuspipata (2800m), Department of Beni.

This species has been taken at altitudes of 1600-2500m-2800m.

Euryglottis aper by John Vriesi.

The forewing dorsal surface has a well marked discal band of three lines. The outer two lines are not nearly as distinct in guttiventris. The ventral surface of the abdomen has apical dots on sternites 3-5, but these are indistinct as compared with those of Euryglottis guttiventris.

Euryglottis aper (possibly guttiventris)??, Bella Vista Lodge, Pichincha, Ecuador,
October 19, 2009, courtesy of Lief Gabrielsen.

Euryglottis aper, northern Central Cordillera, Colombia,
1600m, courtesy of Joakim Johansson.


Euryglottis aper adults fly in February in Ecuador, and possibly at other times. Hubert Mayer reports a June flight in La Suiza, Oxapampa, Peru. It has also been taken in October in Ecuador.

In Napo, Ecuador it has been reported on the wing in January, March, August, September, October and December.

It joins guttiventris and dognini as species flying in Ecuador.

Euryglottis aper male, Palanda, Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador, CATE.


Pupae probably wiggle to surface from subterranean chambers just prior to eclosion.

Euryglottis guttiventris male (top), Euryglottis aper male, (bottom),
Oxapampa, La Suiza, Peru, June, 2004, 2050m, courtesy/copyright of Hubert Mayer.


Females call in the males with a pheromone released from a gland at the tip of the abdomen.


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