Euryglottis johannes
Updated as per personal communication with Jose Ramon Alvarez Corral; August 6, 2012; ongoing

Euryglottis johannes
Eitschberger, 1998

1) Euryglottis johannes male, Venezuela,
courtesy of Vadim Kroutov,
digital reconstruction by Bill Oehlke.

2) Euryglottis johannes male, la Soledad, Barinas, Venezuela,
130mm, May 20, 2006, 1300m, courtesy of Jose Ramon Alvarez Corral,
id by Bill Oehlke.

3) Euryglottis johannes male, la Soledad, Barinas, Venezuela,
130mm, May 20, 2006, 1300m, courtesy of Jose Ramon Alvarez Corral,
id by Bill Oehlke.

4) Euryglottis johannes male, western Cordillera de Merida, Merida, Venezuela,
120mm, February 21, 2004, 700m, courtesy of Jose Ramon Alvarez Corral,
id by Bill Oehlke.

5) Euryglottis johannes female, la Soledad, Barinas, Venezuela,
140mm, February 26, 2006, 1300m, courtesy of Jose Ramon Alvarez Corral,
id by Bill Oehlke.

This site has been created by Bill Oehlke.
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.


Family: Sphingidae, Latreille, 1802
Subfamily: Sphinginae, Latreille, [1802]
Tribe: Sphingini, Latreille, 1802
Genus: Euryglottis Boisduval, [1875] ...........
Species: johannes Eitschberger, 1998


Euryglottis johannes (approximate wingspan: males 120-135mm; females: 135-140mm) flies in Venezuela: specimen type locality, in the states of Merida and Barinas, and possibly elsewhere.

I belive this species flies at lower elevation (700m-1300m) as compared to the very similar Euryglottis aper which is a high elevation species.

I also believe there is a diffuse suffusion of yellowish scales between the distinct forewing cell mark and the costa in johannes as opposed to a very distinct, short, yellowish bar in aper. The yellowish apical line is straighter in aper as opposed to the slightly more arched line in johannes in its upper half.


Euryglottis johannes adults have been taken in February and May (JRAC), suggesting at least two annual broods.


Pupae probably wiggle to surface from subterranean chambers just prior to eclosion.


Females call in the males with a pheromone released from a gland at the tip of the abdomen.

6) Euryglottis johannes female, Venezuela,
courtesy of Vadim Kroutov.


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7) Euryglottis johannes, 135mm, Venezuela, courtesy of All Leps Barcode of Life.