Sphinginae subfamily
Sphingini tribe:
This species is a strong migrant and adults nectar from deep-throated
flowers including moonflower (Calonyction aculeatum), morning
glory (Convolvulus), honey suckle (Lonicera) and
petunia (Petunia species).
Ceratomia amyntor,
The Elm Sphinx or Four-horned Sphinx,
The upperside of the forewing is brown with dark brown and white
markings including a white costal area near the wing base, dark
streaks along the veins, and a white spot in the cell.
Larvae feed on Elm (Ulmus), birch (Betula), basswood (Tilia), and
cherry (Prunus).
Manduca quinquemaculata
WO, the Five-spotted Hawkmoth
The moth abdomen usually has five but sometimes six pairs of yellow
bands. The upperside of the forewing is blurry brown and gray.
Larvae feed on tomatoes and go by the common name of
"Tomato Hornworms". |
Look for three large yellow spots
on each side of the abdomen. The upperside of the forewing is
yellowish brown to deep chocolate brown with a dusting of white
scales and zigzagged black and white lines.
Manduca sexta
WO, the Carolina Sphinx
The abdomen usually has six pairs of yellow bands, broken across the
back. The sixth set of markings is quite small.
The upperside of the forewing has indistinct black, brown and
white markings.
If you grow tomatoes, you have probably encountered it.
The upperside of the forewing has a wide white band along the costa
from base to apex. The remainder of the wing has black and white
The upperside of the forewing is pale silver-gray with a series of
black dashes, a white patch at the tip, and a white stripe along the
outer margin. The upperside of the hindwing is black with blurry
white bands.
Sphinx chersis
WO, the Northern Ash Sphinx or Great Ash
Sphinx The upperside of the forewing is soft dark gray to
blue-gray with a series of black dashes, one of which reaches the
wing tip.
Larval hosts are ash, lilac, privet, cherry, and quaking aspen.
 | Sphinx dollii (Wing span: 1 3/4 - 2 1/2 inches (4.5 - 6.3 cm)),
flies in arid brushlands and desert foothills from Nevada and
southern California east through Utah,
Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico to Oklahoma and Texas.
 | The upperside of the forewing is pale blue-gray to dark gray with a black dash reaching the wing tip and
a white stripe along the lower outer margin.
The upperside of the hindwing is black with two diffuse white
bands, the upper one being practically non-existent.
Sphinx perelegans adults fly in montane woodlands and mixed
chaparral-type vegetation as a single brood
in the north, with adults mainly on the wing in June and July.
It flies from dusk until after midnight. Note dark thorax.
The upperside of the forewing has a narrow black subterminal line
bordered by a white inverted V-shaped line on the outside, and a
black line running inwards from the apex of the wing.
It is most often found in montane woodlands and along streamcourses.
Smerinthini Tribe:
Pachysphinx modesta
the Modest Sphinx or Poplar Sphinx
This moth has a large, heavy body, and females can be remarkably
Larvae are fond of poplars and willows.
This one is quite similar to Pachysphinx modesta, with modesta
being smaller and darker. The am and pm lines are distinct in occidentalis,
diffuse in modesta.
Moths should be on the wing from June-August.
The outer margin of the forewing is quite wavy. There is a dark cell spot and a dark oblique line mid wing from the costa almost to the
inner margin. Basic ground colour is pinkish brown. Flight would be June-July. |
This small species is probably widespread and common. This species ranges across North America.
The hindwings have a small blue eyespot ringed with black on a yellow background.
Smerinthus cerisyi
WO, the Cerisyi's
Sphinx or One-eyed Sphinx, Larvae feed on poplars and willows.
Flight would be from late May-July as a single brood.
Smerinthus jamaicensis closely resembles Smerinthus cerisyi, but
jamaicensis is much smaller with larger blue patches on
more vibrant and deeper purple in the lower wings.
Macroglossinae subfamily
Dilophonotini tribe:
The abdomen has very distinct gray and black bands.
Adults nectar at dusk so you may see them in the garen at that
time, but only as very rare strays. |
Hemaris diffinis WO,
the Snowberry Clearwing or Bumblebee Moth
The wings are basically clear, with dark brown to brownish-orange
veins, bases and edges. The thorax is golden-brown to dark
greenish-brown. The abdomen tends to be dark (black) with 1-2 yellow
segments just before the end. |
Philampelini tribe:
Eumorpha achemon
the Achemon Sphinx
Adults nectar from flowers of Japanese honeysuckle
(Lonicera japonica), petunia (Petunia hybrida),
mock orange (Philadelphus coronarius), and phlox (Phlox).
Larvae feed upon Grape (Vitis),
Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)
and other vines and ivies (Ampelopsis).
The upperside of wings is deep red-brown with pale brown bands.
Each hindwing has pink along the costal margin and a triangular
white spot on the outer part of the inner margin.
Macroglossini tribe:
Darapsa myron
WO, the Virginia Creeper Sphinx or the
Grapevine Sphinx
The forewing upperside is dark brown to pale yellowish gray, with an
olive tint. On the costal margin there is a dark rectangular patch,
although this may be reduced or absent. The upperside of the hindwing
is pale orange.
Hyles lineata WO, the White-lined Sphinx
This species is very widespread. It can be seen flying during the day,
into the evening and also at night.
The highly variable larvae are often found in people's gardens. |
The upperside of the forewing is pale gray-green with a deep
green-brown median area and a white dash at the wing tip. The
underside of the forewing is pale orange at the base.
The upperside of the forewing is pale brown with lavender-gray at the
base and has dark brown lengthwise lines throughout. The upperside of
the hindwing is dark brown with a band of whitish, wedge-shaped