Patrons of the Sphingidae and Catocala Sites
The "Sphingidae of the Americas" website and the "North American Catocala" website are brought to you by Bill Oehlke and the World's
Largest Saturniidae Site.
Both the "Sphingidae of the Americas Website" and the "Catocala Website" are on web space which I personally rent from The annual rental fee is
approximately $130.00 U.S. as of July 2013.
I am not affiliated with any university/museum/research center, etc. I am not receiving any grants to develop the sites. The work and expenses are my own.
I am very thankful for the many images that people have been sending, some for identification purposes, some to enhance the sites. All images used on the
site remain the property of the respective photographers.
Quite a few knowledgable people have also been sending sighting reports and these are a great help in accumulating data which is important in its own right
and also helps me to make interpolations to create useful county by county checklists for the United States. New pictoral checklists are created/updated
as new images/data are submitted. This is an ongoing process.
If you would like to become a "Patron of the Sphingidae Site" or "Patron of the Catocala Site" with a one time donation of a dollar (or any amount), please
send donation to
Bill Oehlke
Box 476
Montague, Prince Edward Island C0A 1R0
Email: Bill Oehlke: Contact Information.
U.S. banknotes, personal checks are fine. I have begun in August 2006 to create a "Patron of the Sphingidae Site" list. It will be updated once every six
months and will include categories for photographic support, extensive data submissions and financial contributions. First posting will be in December of
Over the next several months I will begin to go through the files to compile a list of the many photographers who have contributed their work to the site,
and the many collectors/observors who have sent extensive data.
As of July 2019, 1,277 people have provided images for these websites: Sphingidae of the Americas and North American
Catocala. Many thanks to all.
Photographic/Descriptive Support Patrons
001x4 002x4 003x4 004x4 005x4 006x4 007x4
008x4 009x4 010x4 011x4 012x4 013x4 014x4 015x4 016x4 017x4
018x4 019x4 020x4 021x4 022x4 023x4 024x4 025x4 026x4 027x4
028x4 029x4 030x4 031x4 032x4 033x4 034x4 035x4 036x4 037x4
038x4 039x4 040x4 041x4 042x4 043x4 044x4 045x4 046x4 047x4
048x4 049x4 050x4 051x4 052x4 053x4 054x4 055x4 056x4 057x4
058x4 059x4 060x4 061x4 062x4 063x4 064x4 065x4 066x4 067x4
068x4 069x4 070x4 071x4 072x4 073x4 074x4 075x4 076x4 077x4
078x4 079x4 080x4 081x4 082x4 083x4 084x4 085x4 086x4 087x4
088x4 089x4 090x4 091x4 092x4 093x4 094x4 095x4 096x4 097x4
098x4 099x4 100x4 101x4 102x4 103x4 104x4 105x4 106x4 107x4
108x4 109x4 110x4 111x4 112x4 113x4 114x4 115x4 116x4 117x4
118x4 119x4 120x4 121x4 122x4 123x4 124x4 125x4 126x4 127x4
128x4 129x4 130x4 131x4 132x4 133x4 134x4 135x4 136x4 137x4
138x4 139x4 140x4 141x4 142x4 143x4 144x4 145x4 146x4 147x4
148x4 149x4 150x4 151x4 152x4 153x4 154x4 155x4 156x4 157x4
158x4 159x4 160x4 161x4 162x4 163x4 164x4 165x4 166x4 167x4
168x4 169x4 170x4 171x4 172x4 173x4 174x4 175x4 176x4 177x4
178x4 179x4 180x4 181x4 182x4 183x4 184x4 185x4 186x4 187x4
188x4 189x4 190x4 191x4 192x4 193x4 194x4 195x4 196x4 197x4
198x4 199x4 200x4 201x4 202x4 203x4 204x4 205x4 206x4 207x4
208x4 209x4 210x4 211x4 212x4 213x4 214x4 215x4 216x4 217x4
218x4 219x4 220x4 221x4 222x4 223x4 224x4 225x4 226x4 227x4
228x4 229x4 230x4 231x4 232x4 233x4 234x4 235x4 236x4 237x4
238x4 239x4 240x4 241x4 242x4 243x4 244x4 245x4 246x4 247x4
248x4 249x4 250x4
252x4 253x4 254x4 255x4 256x4 257x4 258x4 259x4 260x4 261x4
262x4 263x4 264x4 265x4 266x4 267x4 268x4 269x4 270x4 271x4
272x4 273x4 274x4 275x4 276x4 277x4 278x4 279x4 280x4 281x4
282x4 283x4 284x4 285x4 286x4 287x4 288x4 289x4 290x4 291x4
292x4 293x4 294x4 295x4 296x4 297x4 298x4 299x4
Ron Aaron CJ Abadie Ted & Sonia Abahazi Ilania
Abileah Yolanda Acevedo Ginger Adams James Adams Joel
Adams Melinda Adams Adirondack Bob Jonathan Agius Douglas
Aguillard Suvi Aika Luis F. Alberti
Marg./Brian Aldous Crystal Allen Gaela
Allen Ken Allen Renecca Alves Kathy Amborn Lynda Amorim Bill Anderson
David T. Anderson Mike Anderson Amy Anderson Nikki Anderson Theresa Anderson
Dr. Arthur Anker Tom Andrews Anne Lisa D. Anness Joe
Applebaum Matt Aranda
Maris Asato
Ashlee Peter F. Assmann
Deborah L. Atkinson
Tina August
Cindy Aulbach Marius Aurelian Kat B. Garth Babcock
Leo Bacon Richard
Bader Mike Bailey Tom Bailey
P. & A. Baillargeon Ann Baines
Theresa Baker M.
Balcazar-Lara Lori Balciunas Tracey L. Ballou Jonathan Baloo
Emily Balsley David and Jason
Kristi Balstad
Leslie Bando Bob Barber Barb and Mel
Dave Barker
J. Bartow
Bates Kylee Baumle Dirk Bayer Karen & Denny Beall Clint
Beardsley Matthew Beardsley Matthew Beatty Laura Beaty Gayle Beauregard
Kristin Beck Kurri Beck Shelly Beck Linley Beckbridge
Kristen Beckley Gloria Beckstrom
Robert Behrstock Tim Belde Susie Bell &
daughter Ben and April Meg Benhase Will Bennett Linda
Benskin Robert Bercha Paul Bergdahl Dawn Berry Rebecca Biddle Andrea
Bink Kellie Birch
Heather Birnie
Robert Biro Mark Black Dianne
Blankenship Sarah Bliss Lisa Blossom-Payne
Kelly Boedigheimer Jim Boisen Werner Bollmann Todd
Bomont Alex Bonet Mike Borden, Sr. Gerard Boulay Bill Bouton
C., M., E., G. Bower
Denise Lopez-Bowers
Catherine C. Bowron Jeffrey Boyea Beth
Boyle Joanne Bovee Sue Bozeman Erin Brandt Steve Bransky
Robert Breeze K. Brencick via Gary
Lynn Brenneman & Yong Brenneman
Ole Breum and Agnete Moller Breum
Candace Brewen and
students from ... Bitterwater-Tully
Carrie Briesch V. Brig.-Humphreys Mark Brogie Jack P. Brooks Derek
Bridgehouse Sue Brooks Vernon Brou Brower
Family Joan Brown Kevin Brown Mary Brown Mary C. Brown Rae
Brown Spencer Brown Eric Brunnemann Debbi Brusco John de Bry Ann Bryan
Mildred Brown
Adam Bryenton Jody Buchner Jennifer L. Bundy Rick Bunting Russ
Burcham Sue Burczyk
Monika Burke
Elizabeth Burkholder Jill Burrows Ed
Burton Jennifer Busch Benjamin Bush Randy Busing Ezequiel
Bustos David Bygott Joe Bylan Saundra Byrd Earl Byron,
Ph.D. Alex C. Renee C. Ricky C. Richard Callahan Neil Cameron Olive
Cameron John H. Campbell Kyle Campbell M.
Campbell-LaRock Kevin LaRock Traci Campbell Brandon
Capasso Anita Capella Barb Carey Jennifer Carlson Paula Carman Sabrina
Carmichael Jim Carney Judy Caron Carol Carpenter Carrie
Dawn Carroll
Carson Amanda Carta Billie Carter Bonnie J. Caruthers Ellen
Castellini Michael Castaneda Jessica Cera Alida Cervera B. Chambers-Ivey
Duncan Champney Jay Chapman Cristine Charlesworth Dan
Chartrand Alice Cherry Ken Childs Alan Chin-Lee Karen Christensen Leslie
Pusateri Ciruna Dr. Anne B. Clark Dale Clark Mike Clarke Bobby Clontz
Kellie Cobb and son Annette Coble Susan Coe D J Cohenour
Patrick Coin Eugenio Colautti Terie Collamer Juan Ramon Collart Steve
Collins Patti Colston Fred Colwell Chris Conlan Mike
Connolly Jim Conrad Marc & Kurtis Cook Alan Cooper Victor
Cooper Paula Copeland Patricia Cormier Stacey Cotterman Melita
Couta Doug Cowart Al Coxon Jordan Craig Krissy Craig Robin Crain
Alice Crane Creighton, Ed Guillermo Crespo & Katherine
Crespo Jorge Crespo Rebecca Crist Phil Crosby Beatrice
Cruz & Zavala Lab students Christina Cruz Paul Cuciti
Laura Culver Jum Cumming
Val Cunningham
Becca Currence Darla Currie Alex Curtis-Slep John
M. Cushing Jr. JoAnne Custer
James K. Cutler Dave Czaplak Rita Dakin
Glen D'Arcy
Steve Daniel
Candy Daniels
Peter Davey Phil Davies
T. W. Davies
Jennifer Z. Davis
John Davis
Walt N Tina Davis
Dan Davison
Andy Dean
William Dean John de Bry
Dan Decaro
Mario DeDominicis
Horacio de la Fuente
Jim DeLalla
Kelly Delany
Sean Demarre
Patrick Demez
Bill Dempwolf
Kristin Denney
Mike Denny
Jim Derwin
Manyee Desandies
Bobbi Devine
Mike, Jill DeVries
T., J., & C. Dick
Pat Dietrich
Mathew Dillon family
Rex Dingler
Nancy Diveley
Elaine Dixon
Bill Dobbin
Don Doerfler
Amy Dohmen
Colleen Donovan
Jesse Donavan Terie Dorry Jim Downey Terry Doyle
Gaillynn Draur
Suzi Druley Tzila "Z"
Duenzl Andre Dufault Chrystal Duncan and Cody
Jenkins Pete Dunkelberg Paul Durant Tim Dyson Virginia
Dyson Linda Eastman Tarah Eastwood Christine Eckels
Karen Edwards Lisa Edwards Scott
Eldridge Amy Eller & Bill Cole III
Stephen Elliott Randy Emmitt Sabrina England D. & P.
Ensor Pamela Erario Frank Erickson Sandy Erickson Diana &
Larry Erikson Mark Etheridge Jessie Evans Theo Douma Chris
Angela Fairless
Callie Farrell Cecilia Farrell Darlene Fatica Gerald
Fauskes Sue Fehlman Antonia Felix
Darrell Ferriss
Sissy ffolliott A. Fhuf
Lynn Fields Jackie Finch John Fisher Rachel Fitzpatrick Adam Fleishman Brigitte Flick
Gordon Flood John Foley Kristi Foley Paul Ford
Jim Fortin Eric Foss
Tiffany Foster Jorge E. Frana Kathy Francoeur T. Frantz Susan
Franzis Brush Freeman Doug Freestone Chris Frelich Amanda
Funk David R. Furnas Mary Fusco Valerie G. Leif Gabrielsen
Douglas Galasko Krista Galbraith Maggie Garancosky Joel Garcia
& family Juan Carlos Garcia
Marcial Garcia
Gayle Garman Joe Garris Jay Garth Melissa
Garwacki-Labombard Neal Gary Marsha Gaspari Jeremy Gatten
Ronnie Gaubert Irma and Greg Gerhmann
Ashley Geil Urs Geiser Kathy Genaw Bill Genereux Susan Gengras Melanie
Gentile Rick Gentry Sherry Gerald Jim Gilbert Lawrence. E.
Gilbert Veanne Gilchrist John Gilhen Elizabeth Gillen Alice
Gilliland Don Gillis Cindi Girard Andi Gladson Glen, Texas
Vanessa Goderich Michael Godley Vic Godley Jacalyn Loyd Goetz
Lynn Goff Irv Goldman Maryann Goldman Larry Gooding Roxanne
Meagn Goose
Ann Gordon Lee Gosset Robert Gough Kim Gould Zana
Goulding Judy Gracey Cheri Graham Steve Graser Shay Grech Thom Green Will Green
Ari Greenmen Rebecca Gregory Barb Griess Sheri Griffie
Diane Grimaudo Alan Gross K.
G. and son Kate Grossman Julie Groves
Aiden Groves and
Theresa Groves
Sarah D. Grubb Donald H. Gudehus
Carl F. Guerci Jr. Mike Guetta
Dan Haas Hynek Habal Don
Haberkamp Steve Habermehl
Tammie Hache Kimberly S. Hackett
Jim Haddan
Dennis Haines Sue
Hakala Shea Halbert Debbie Hall Lori Hall Rodger Hallen
Mary Hallett Bob and Marsha Hamlin Stu
Hancock Carol Hanel Elizabeth Harbin Jessica Hardegree William
A. Harding Nikki Hardman G. A. Hardy Meena Haribal William Hark Kevin
Harkins Wendy Harlow Alex Haro Elliotte Rusty Harold
Bryr Harris
John N. Harris
Harris Suzanne Harris Greg Harter Kathleen Hartman David
Hartman Sherry Hartwig Matthew Harvey Eric & Tamara Hatt
Steve Hatt Ted Haussner
Rebecca Hawks
Jean Haxaire Bonnie Hay
& Jim Hay Norman Hayward "Hazel" Mary Healey Dave Hearn
Bob Heckman A. Heddle Rachel Heep Kevin Heeter Shelby
Adam Heichelbech
Leslye Heilig
Dave Helgert Amy Hemming
Chris Henderson Terry Hencricks Jim Henthorn
Tracy Henn Scott Herden
Polly Ann Herzberg David Hibbeln Sue Hiegel Margaret Higbee
Katie & Monique Claire Higginbotham Betsy Higgins Judith Huf Emma Grace
Hill Miquel Hill William W. Hill Eric Hillman Julia Hilton John Himmelman
Albert Hinojosa Don Hladky Vance Hobbs Paul Hoekstra Liz
Hoenig Matthew Holden Holly Holmen Carol Holland Gwendolyn
Holland Holly Owen Holt Candi Holzsager Howard Hoople
Thomas H�rbrand Jane Housewright Glennda Howe M. Huchette Ola
Hudgins Paul Hueber Gini Huffman Steve Huffman Kathy
Humphrey Melissa Humphreys Paulo Renato Huppes Shannon Hurst L.L. Hyche J. Donald
Imbrie Lisa Ingvallsen Brian M. Irish John Irwin Vladimir
Guy Isabelle Dan Jackson Ken Jackson Sharon Jackson Tyler
Jackson Kelly Jacobs Delyse Jaeger Sam Jaffe Martin
Jagelka Tony and Pat James Richard James Nicole Janke Thomas
Jantscher Dan Janzen Julie Jardine Marilyn Jasper Amanda
Jeannopoulos Donna & Clell Jenkins Kara Jensen Joanne Diane and
Phillip Johnson
Eric Johnson Gordon T. Johnson Lance Johnson
Paul Johnson Susan Johnston Colleen S. Jokiel Alan L. Jones
Alex Jones Hailey Jones & Shannon Jones Jim Jones J.
Jones-Millington Taylor Jones Joy Tiffany Joy
John Jude
Katie Julian
FF Julin
Steve K.
Billye Karnes
Karl Kaylor
Nayt Keane
Merry Keene
Kate Keeton Julian
Debra K.
Barbara Kelly
Sarah Kickler Kelber
Dubble Kessler
Dr. Wasil Khan
Matthew Killheffer
Jackie Kincaid
Gordon D. King
Harry King
Laureen King
Meredith King
Krystal Kinney
Meredith Kinrys
Josh Kirk
Donna Marie
Michael Klam
Jana Klausman
Buzz Kleven
Klun &
Jerome Klun
Chuck Knight
Ilse Knijn
Janeen Koch
Kristine Koch
Travis Koch
Jennifer Kolmes
Jim Kolpin
James Kolter
Ruth Koontz
Joseph Korzenieski
Tracy J Korzenieski
Michael Koski
Nicole Kovacs
Cynthia Kraft Harald
James Kreamier
Casey Kreider Lisa Kroll
Jesse Kroese
Aaron M. Kromash Burt &
Shirley Krull Molly Kuehn Mike Kuhl Richard Kurth
Jill Kvasager Alexandre Laberge
Craig Labuhn Juergen
Lachmann Linda Lake Jim Lallement Steve Lallement Laurie
Lamm Richard Land
Irma Landon Jerimy/Amy Landrum Sylvia Langille Janis
LaPointe Jeremy Laratro Steph. Larbalestier Gabe Larrabee Kit
Larsen Shannon Larsen Kevin Larock &
Michell Campbell-LaRock May Lattanzio Carrie Latour
Candice Keller
Larry and Marty Layne the Leatherwoods
Chris Lee Dave Lee Debbie Lee Ethan Lee Kristine Lee
Terry Leeson Carol S. Lefkov Curt Lehman Steven Lemieux Mike
Lemos Jean-Paul Lenglet Kevin Lentz Evan Leonard Larry
Lewis David Liebman Deb Lievens Cassis Lindsay Ryan Linden
David Link Clinton Little Jim Loeffler
Tim Loeffler Nancy Longworth Darcy
Love Jack Love Jeanne Lowe Amy Lowell Vincent Lucas Angela Lugo
Bonnie Lundgren Julie Luther Melody Lytle Liz, Lee MacDonald
Alissa Mack
Jackson MacLean Lorna MacLean, NS M. Kay-Macmillan Damian
MacSeain Brian Madigan Krystina Mae Colleen Magnuson
Mahoney, Devin
Malachi, Mom, Dave
Doug Malone Josh Malunas &
Julie Happy
Larry Manfredi Filho Manfredini
Matt Manolides Val Mansfield Janet
Shayna Marchese
Kathleen Marchetti Stuart Marcus Gauvin Marielle Chris
Dallice Markfield
Daniel Marlos David Marmillion Amy Marnon Daniel J. Marquis Korie
Marshall Nancy Jean Marshall J & C. Martell J. David
Martin D. Mason A. Mather
Mike Matheson
Frannie Mathews
Renato Mattei
Carroll Maxwell
Jeffrey A. May Brian D. Mayer Hubert Mayer
Reena Maynard Chris Mayoros Paolo
Mazzei Butch McCarthy Robert McClure Scott McClure Kevin
McCollum Jackie McCoy Ronda McCoy Angela McDaniel Gary
McDonald Duane McDowell Cheryl McGuff Steve McGuff Hugh
McGuinness Diane McIntyre Cathy McKenney Karen McKibbin Helen
M. McKinnon Terri McLaughlin Gary McClellan
Neal McGahan
Katherine McMahon
Bree McMurray Beth Ellen McNamara Kate McNulty Cynthia McNutt
Larry McQueen Vickie McWhirter Humberto Cal. Mejia Cory
Melancon Krista Melville Elisabet Mercado Melisa Annette Meredith Martha
Stroud-Merry Scott Mescher Sara Mickel E. Mideke Jack
Millen Barbara Miller Ian Miller Colin Miller Bill & Sue
Miller Stephanie Minneti Allen Minnich Emily & Iris Mirski Anna Mizyn Jimmy Moak Alison
Moderie Jackie Monroe Lynn, Gene Monroe Maggie Monroe Pat
Montgomery Trisha Montgomery and
Cindy Casey
Monique D. Montoya Joy Moran David Morehead Tisa
Morehead David Morimoto Terrie Morin Ashley
Moritz & Grade 2 Class Arthur Morris Audrey Morris
Jennifer Morrison Lacey Morrison Mary Morrow
C. G. Morton Dan Morys Chris Moss Pippa
Moss Thomas Moss Lisa Mullen and
daughter Anna Mulligan Grace Munakata Carrie Murchison
Rhonda Murr Brandi Lanini Murray Tom Murray Don Muse Praveen
Mutalik Shanese Myrick Nancy
Steve Nanz
M. & M. Nash
Jason Naylor
Gil, Larry
Nelson Ron Nelson Scott D. Nelson Sue Nevling and son Pat
Neyman Britt Nibert
David Nielsen
Gregory Nielsen Ruth Nielsen Tom Nix
Matthew Nochisaki Shaina L. Noggle Helen Nolan Robert J. Nuelle, Jr., Robert
J. Nuelle III
Lori Oberman
Michael F. O'Brien
Jade O'Callaghan
Marcie O'Connor Lacey L.
Laura M. Ogea
Pat OKane Susan Oleszko-Szuts
Francierlem Oliveira
Scott Olmstead David
Olson Paul Opler Felice O'Ryan Dixie Lee Oshman Robert
Oswald Jason Ott K F Otto
Pam Overmyer Joey Pacholik Pat Paisley
Victoria Pak Joseph Paleczny Tammy Palmer Pat Palmieri Nathan
Pannell Sue Panteluk
Michel Paradis Juliet Paradowski Elizabeth
Pasquarello Bill Parker Ellen Parker Erin Parker Kristie
Parker Steve Parker
Maxime Pastore & Norma Bonilla Ingram
Lauren Paterson Ruth Ann Patton Ken Pauley
Tom Payne Jimmy Paz Tom P. Pearsall Kevin P. Matt Pelikan
Alexander Pelletier
Jim Pendleton
Jennifer M. Perez
Leticia Perez
Mitchell Perilstein David Perrin
and Catherine Perrin Natalie Perrino Don Perry
Merina Dobson Perry
Donna Peters Lisa Petersen Bryon Peterson Marie Peterson Josef
Pfauntsch Carmen Phillips Gary Phillips Naomi Phillips
Phillis Jay Phinney Karl Piela Jean-Marc Pilliere Kelly &
Larry Pink Mike Plant Pierre A. Plauzoles
Dianne Poore
Sylvie Post
Laura Pound Nicolas Palacios Prado
Dave Prentice D.J. Preston John Prince Rocco Prock Cameron Prybol Frank & Gail Pucci
Meme Pudifin George Puram Jennifer Putnam Bob Pyle Mike Quinn
Gil Quintanilla Renee R. Jennifer Radloff Sandy Ragets Bryan David Ramboz Fiona Ramsay
Christine Randall Joao Amarildo Ranguetti Anne Ranta Ginny Raska Kris Ratzlaff
Kate Redmond
David Reed
Donna Reed
Michael Reed & Maggie Reed
Scott Reely
Mike Reese
G. Bruce Reid
James Reilly
Rick Remy
Gus A. Rentfro
Susan Reusser
Jo Richardson
Paul Richman family
Joan F. Rickert
Ricks Russell Ries
Karen Riggs
Jonathan Ringdahl
Bradley Risk Lance Risley Oz Rittner Juliette Robb T. J. Robb
Timmee Robertson Melonie Robran
Jean Robocker
Ruby Rodriguez Shelby Roe Greg Roehm Mary Ann
Roesler Doreen Rogers George Rogers Rogers Family
Susan Romeo Robb Roos
Bill Rose Joshua S. Rose John Rosendale Beatrice Rosengrant Kathy
& Kylie Ross John Rosford R. Br. Col. Museum
Jennifer Rosta
Rosy & Janice
Joanna Rotecka
Celeste Rouse
Michelle Rousselow and Will
Dooley Steven Rowe Roxane Angela Roy Ruben Ruiz Sandra Rumney Eric
Runfeldt Allison Rung Annie Runyon Adam Rupp Jennifer
Rush Leslie and Samuel and Justin Rush
Sarah Rushing Martha Rushnock
Jacki & Brendt
Mark Russell JoAnne Russo Aeresa Ryan Mike Ryan Ingrid Ryder Ryan St.
Laurent Timothy Sakhuja Ken Salto Nancy Sandeman Jeremy Sanders Pam Sandor Paul
Santo Ricardo Santos Rob Santry Sara Bob Sardo Sharon
Sargent Seana Saxon Karen Sauter Aubrey Scott Bob Scott Lynn Scott
Jenny Schechinger
Denny Scheffler
Frances Schenkkan Albert Schneider Sue
Schneider Steven Scholom John Tschopp Brad Schram Lauren Call.
Melanie Schuchart
Jack Schudel Jim and Sam Schwartz Brigitte Sclabas
Sandy Scroggins Christopher Seay and students of
Vista Del Sur Traditional School
River Seki and Mom D.
R. & M. Seeley
Rosemary Seidler Lisa Seliskar Carl Seutter
Cale Severson Don Severson Candy
Shaffer Justin Shaffer James Sharp M. Sharpe Emilie Shaw
Naima Shea Cristina J.
Sheats Mark Sheehan Victoria&Gene Shelar Mary Shepherd Barb Sheppard
Paula Sheppard
Bridget Shinn Clay Shiroma Mary Anne Shube Peter Sidoruk Chris
Karen Simister James Simon Leroy Simon
Brenda Simpson
Julie Simpson Donna Sims
Agustin Sinde Michael Singer Dawn Singh Jennie Sisler Joanne
Sivers Alison Sklarczyk Sherry Sleep Sheri Slike Renco
Smeelen Dave Small Allison Smart & Bruce
Greene Cherie Smith Dale Smith Diane Smith Dylan
Smith Dixon Smith Edith Smith Gina Smith
Guy & Michael Smith Nadia Smith Kim Smith Marvin
Smith Scott Smith Smith Boys (Ben) Pete Smytheman Mary Alice
Snetsinger Dr. John Snyder Lee Snyder Chris Snyers Tim and
Emma Soderstrom Jim Sogaard Travis Soletske family Nancy
Sommers Jenny Sommerfeld
Anton Sorokin Eliza Spaeth-Werner Missy Sparrow-Lien
Barbara Spencer Phil Stack William Stadnyk Michelle Staggs
Sharen Staggs Erik Stahl Brian Starr
Leanna Stead Jim Steakley
Lynn Steinley
Stephenson Steve and Christine Brent Steury Ellie Stevens Brenda Steward
Janice Stiefel Aaron Stiltner William Stoltenberg Leticia Noli
Stoner Julie Stotts Cathy Strackbein Mark Stratton Ward
Strong Greg Stuart Joanne Stuart Wolfgang Stuppy
Marcia Suchy Dan Sundberg Jim Swalwell Michelle Swan Steve Schwartzman Kris T.
Steitz Brent Steury
Emmett Summit
Betty Ann Swaim
Trina Sweet
Valerie Sweidan Jeff
Swick Joel Szymczyk Lisa T. Joan Tadisch David Tadlock
Karen Taraska-Alcock
Ashley Tarleton Jeremy B. Tatum Tim Taylor Telofson Rich Teper
Margherite Tercovich Texactor K. L. Thalin Tony Thomas Eddene
H. Thompson Wallace B. Thompson GayAnn Thompson
Kathy Thompson
Terry Thormin
Laurie Tierno Lisa Tingle Liz Todd Michell Tomaskovich Jason
Tormo Jeff Tostenson Barbara Tourtelot Jessica L. Townsend
Jeff Trahan Larry Trame Wendy Tresouthick Alan C. Trimble Bj�rn Trosowski
Ben Trott Susan Trudeau John Tschopp Jonathon Tubbs Jona A. Tucker Rhonda
Tucker Jim Tuttle Erin Tyson Helen Tyson
Julie Futoran-Ulsted
Tristyn S. Underwood Evie
Uretsky Natalie Valdez Roberto M. Valencia
John Valhalla
J & V Valleau
Rick Van Acken & Lauren Van Acken & David Van Acken Gary
Vander Giessen Michael Vandeveer Johan van't Bosch Mike Van
Buskirk John Van der Pryt Dr. Andre Van Herle Ron Van Houten
Nicoline van Kappel Niki Van Lente Barron Van Slyke Melodie
van Wye Bretti van Wye
Thomas Vaught Frank Vento Tom Venturini Nick
Verette Pete Vertefeuille Sarah Vetter Caymen Vieira
April Villescas
Mark Vincent Greg Volkman Patty Volland Alex..r von Buldring Janet
Voth Paula Vowell Lori Voyer John Vriesi Carrin W. David
Wagner Dwaine Wagoner Rick Wagoner Michelle Walden Angelika
Waldow Dan C. Walk Elaine Walker Tamara Wallace Kristine
Wallstrom Kerri Walonoski Bruce Walsh Gary Walton Kristie W. Kyle
Warnecke Sherm Warner Vicki Wassenhove Chris,
Lyn and Riley Watson Kris Watts Dr. Denise Weber Laurie
Weber Reggie Webster Amy Weidner Jess Weldon
Darlean Weigetz
Matt Welter
Nancy Wert
Frank West
Kenny and Lisa West
Andrea Westmoreland
Richard Westwood
Mark Wetmore
Colin Wetz
Alicia White
Katherine White
Kristine White
Ron White
George Whitinger
Marcia Whitmore
Kelli Whitney
Nicole Whitney
Jillaine Wick
Liz Wieler
Ted Wienstroer
Beverly Wiggins
Bev Wigney
David Wikle
Nina C. Wilde
Phoenix Rae Wilde
Tonya Wilhelm
Carol Wilkinson
Donnette R Williams
Linda Williams
Sheri L. Williamson
Jim Willis
Jodi Willis and Second Grade Class Mrs. Bice and
Mrs. Reams Third Grade Class
Justine Willis
Ron Wilson
Scott Wilson
B J Winchester
Stephen Winter
Frank Wiseman Kim Wismann Bill Wohlenhaus Laura
Woinoski Carol Wolf Jeff Wolinski Edna Woodward Derek
Woolard Colleen Wolpert Norma J. Wood Trina Woodall Steve
Woodsmall Betty Wotherspoon Brian Wright and
David Wright
Bonnie Wunderlich Eric Wurm Jean Wyenberg Eric Wymore and sons Wayne Yang Jenny Yates Dan
Yokich Aaron Yonker Gail Youmans Paul Young Mary Zager
Zavala Lab students Karen Zak Giorgio Zanetti
Bo Zaremba
Dan Zieher Janet
Eric Zulkowsky
Bryan Zvolanek
(Extensive) Data Submission Patrons
James Adams Steve Alexander Jim Anderson Marius Aurelian
Matthew D. Arey Manuel Balcazar-Lara Dirk Bayer Craig
Biegler Mark Black Bill Bouton Edna Bottorff Derek
Bridgehouse Vernon Brou David Bygott John H. Campbell Jeff
Crolla Steve Daniel Charles DeRoller Tom Dimock Robert
Dirig Bill Dobbin Jesse Donavan Tim Dyson
Mark Etheridge Bill Evans Dr. Gerald Fauske Adam Fleishman
Eurides Furtado Joe Garris Bill Garthe Sherry Gerald Steve Gillmore Ann
Gordon Carl F. Guerci Jr. William A. Harding Meena Haribal
Jean Haxaire Patience Hervey Frank Hitchell Owen Holt Ned
Hood Eric Hossler Tom Hupf Tom Jantscher Dan Janzen Cheryl
Jennings Paul Johnson Peter Jump Harry King Steve Lemieux
Lep. Soc. Season Sum. J. Merrill Lynch Randy Lyttle
Tony McBride Andrew McGinnis Hugh McGuinness Lynda McGinnis
Dave McNeese Susan McSwain Cindy Mead Humberto Cal. Mejia Krista Melville Scott Mescher
Eric Metzger Tom Middagh Ian Miller Gregory Nielsen Robert J.
Nuelle, Jr., Marcie O'Connor Francierlem Oliveira Paul Opler USGS lists Mike
Patterson Tom Payne Tony Peters Ken Philip Karl
Johann Racine Evan Rand Kate Redmond Joan F. Rickert Greg Roehm Carolyn
Roseberry Rick Ruggles Aubrey Scott Lynn Scott Alison
Sklarczyk Dave Small Mike Soukup Barbara Spencer Janice
Stiefel Joel Szymczyk Tim Taylor David Tilden Jeff Trahan
Ben Trott Jonathon Tubbs Zak van Loocke Bruce Walsh Richard
Westwood Ron White Bev Wigney Karl A. Wilson Marie
Financial Contribution Patrons $1.00-$5.00
John Adelman Chris Alexander Liz Barrantes Allison
Beaudry Karen L. Beck Thomas E. Bickell Trish Borzym Bob
Brink April Brown Jonathan Bryan Melanie Burkhart Debbie
Colweel Adele Coon Rita D. Cinquemani Dallas Dowhower Paul
Bill Entwhistle Frank Ierardi David Hildebrand Michelle
Hindman Faye Hogan Barbara Houck Kali Kaliche Morris
Toni Lackey Lynnette Leaman Linda Llama Charles S.
Lewallen Michael Major Corliss Moore Sharon Murray Doreen
McWhirter Karen Nesbitt Sue Nevling Laura
Phyllis Bev Power Jan Provost Leslie Pruess Conne
Reece Kip Requardt Elaine Rudberg Dawn Sare Marsha Senges
Will Shain Jennifer Stec Norma Teigen Tami & Dan Walker
Dave Welling Cyndy Wilber Carol Willman Gary Wilson William
Financial Contribution Patrons $5.00 plus since 2001
Thieuleux Alain Steve Barth Harry Becker Michael
Buczkowski Jim Carney Ginger Carter Ty Clark Jane
Dillonaire Robert Dowell Sabrina England Mark
Larry Gall Ray Gibbons Don Gillis Cedric Gillott Lee
Gosset Paulette Grant Sophie Hannaford Kathy Humphrey Doug
Houck John Irion Thomas Jantscher Steve Kohll Alan Ladd
Normand LaPlante Deb Lievens John David Loren
Joseph Markowicz Tony McBride John A. McConnell Stephen S.
Miller Robert Muller Scott Nelson Jay Phinney Edwin Price
Reinhart Roehrig
Dean Schneberger Melanie Shura Larry Silenius Rick Snyder
Jerry Spellbring Roger K. Sundford Albert Thurman Linda Wange Scott R.
Wehrly Bev Wigney Robin Wilson Lydia
Identification support: Vernon Brou, Jean-Marie Cadiou,
Eurides Furtado, Jean Haxaire, Ian Kitching, Carlos Mielke, Jim Tuttle, Larry
Gall, Vadim Kroutov, Ezequiel Osvaldo N��ez Bustos.
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 Show appreciation
for this site by clicking on flashing butterfly to the left. The link
will take you to a page with links to many insect
sites. |
This website has been created and is maintained by Bill Oehlke
without government or institutional financial assistance. All expenses, ie.,
text reference support material, webspace rental from Bizland, computer
repairs/replacements, backups systems, software for image adjustments (Adobe
Photoshop; L-View), ftp software, anti-virus protection, scanner, etc. are my
I very much appreciate all the many images that have been sent to me, or of
which I have been granted permission to copy and post from other websites. All
images on this site remain the property of respective photographers.
If you would like to contribute to the maintenance of this website by sending
a contribution to
Bill Oehlke
Box 476
155 Peardon Road
Montague, Prince Edward Island,
your donation would be much appreciated and would be used for
1) paying
for webspace rental;
2) paying for computer maintenance and software
3) purchases of additional text reference material (journals and
books) in anticipation of expanding the site to a worldwide Sphingidae site;
4) helping to pay my daughter's tuition (completed spring
2013); with anything left over going to humanitarian aid.
If you are mailing a check from USA, please use $1.15 postage (2014 rate); $1.25 (2017 rate).