Sphinginae subfamily
Sphingini Tribe:
Ceratomia amyntor
the Elm Sphinx or Four-horned Sphinx:
The upperside of the forewing is brown with dark brown and white markings including a white costal area near the wing base,
dark streaks along the veins, and a white spot in the cell. The upperside of the hindwing is light brown and has a dark brown band along the outer margin.
Larvae feed on Elm (Ulmus), birch (Betula), basswood (Tilia), and
cherry (Prunus). |
The upperside of the forewing is pale brownish gray with wavy black and white lines and a black-outlined white cell spot.
The upperside of the hindwing is gray with diffuse darker bands.
This large bodied moth flies in tobacco fields and vegetable gardens
(potatoes, tomatoes) and wherever host plants are found.
If you grow tomatoes, you have probably encountered Manduca sexta
in the larval stage.
Larvae get very large and can strip a tomato plant.
Sphinx chersis
WO, the Northern Ash Sphinx or Great Ash Sphinx
The upperside of the forewing is soft dark gray to blue-gray
with a series of black dashes, one of which reaches the wing tip.
The costal area in the basal and median areas of the forewing is light grey. This colour also
appears in the terminal area. The rest of the wing is dark slatey grey.
Sphinx luscitiosa
the Canadian Sphinx or
Clemen's Sphinx:
The upperside of the forewing is yellowish gray in males and pale gray with a faint yellow tint in females. In both sexes,
the dark border on the outer margin widens as it approaches the inner margin.
The upperside of the hindwing is deep yellow in males, pale yellow in females; both with a wide black border.
The upperside of the forewing has a narrow black subterminal line
bordered by a white inverted V-shaped line on the outside, and a
black line running inwards from the apex of the wing.
It is most often found in montane woodlands and along streamcourses. |
Smerinthini Tribe:
Pachysphinx modesta
the Modest Sphinx or Poplar Sphinx.
The forewing is grey brown with diffuse lines.
The hindwing is bergundy with dark blue to black markings near the anal angle.
This one is quite similar to Pachysphinx modesta, with modesta
being smaller and darker.
Forewing lines are more distinct in P. occidentalis as compared
to P. modesta.
There may be naturally occuring hybrids in Laramie.
The grey-blue eyespot of the hindwing gives this species its name.
Larvae feed on birches, willows, cherries and oaks.
The outer edge of the forewings is quite scalloped. |
This small species is widespread and common and is likely present. This species ranges across North America.
The hindwings have a small blue eyespot ringed with black on a yellow background.
If you have willows and poplars nearby, you've probably got populations of
the Cerisyi's Sphinx. The hindwings are quite striking.
Look for a complete light coloured "C" shape, outwardly filled with dark brown, near the right forewing apex.
In S. cerisyi the lower reaches of the light coloured marking does not return to the outer margin.
Macroglossinae subfamily
Dilophonotini Tribe
Hemaris thysbe
WO, the Hummingbird Clearwing
It is not difficult to see why many gardeners would mistake an Hemaris thysbe moth for a small hummingbird as it hovers,
sipping nectar from flowers through a long feeding tube.
Hemaris senta
the Rocky Mountain Clearwing,
There is probably a single brood of this montane species from
May-August. The moth is seen along streamsides and in meadows in
mountainous areas.
Dilophonotini Tribe
Eumorpha achemon WO/CJS/BAMONA,
the Achemon Sphinx
The forewing is light grey and brown with many lines, and there are dark patches near the middle of the inner margin, near the apex and near the anal angle.
The entire basal area of the hindwing is pink.
Eumorpha achemon larva, Cheyenne, August 27, 2010, courtesy of Cristina J. Sheats
Macroglossini Tribe
This day flier is widely distributed. If you have Virginia Creeper,
you probably have the Nessus Sphinx. Two bright, distinct, narrow
yellow bands are often visible on the abdomen.
Darapsa myron
WO, the Virginia Creeper Sphinx or the
Grapevine Sphinx:
Fw upperside is dark brown to pale yellowish gray, with an olive tint, often more green than described.
On the costal margin there is a dark rectangular patch, although this may be reduced or absent.
Hw upperside is pale orange.
Hyles gallii
the Bedstraw Hawk Moth or Gallium Sphinx
This forewing is dark brown with a slightly irregular cream-coloured transverse line.
The outer margin is grey. There is a bright pink band on the hindwing.
Hyles lineata
WO/CJS/BAMONA, the White-lined Sphinx
This species is very widespread. It can be seen flying during the day,
into the evening and also at night.
The highly variable larvae are often found in people's gardens. |
Hyles lineata larvae (subsequent pupae and moth), Cheyenne, 2008,
courtesy of Cristina J. Sheats.
The upperside of the forewing is pale gray-green with a deep
green-brown median area and a white dash at the wing tip.